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doc icon DUGiImatges 10 abril 2000 Colada Vesubi S.E.C. Pallí i Buxó, Lluís
doc icon DUGiImatges 10 abril 2000 Colades St. Joan les Fonts 2 colades basàltiques i al mitg terrasa Pallí i Buxó, Lluís
media icon DUGiMedia 21 novembre 2014 Colonialidad y control migratorio : 29 años llamándonos inmigrantes ilegales Ortiz, Daniela
doc icon DUGiImatges 10 abril 2000 Columnata 1 Castellfollit de la Roca Pallí i Buxó, Lluís
doc icon DUGiImatges 10 abril 2000 Columnata 2 Castellfollit de la Roca Pallí i Buxó, Lluís
doc icon DUGiImatges 10 abril 2000 Columnata 3 Castellfollit de la Roca Pallí i Buxó, Lluís
doc icon DUGiImatges 10 abril 2000 Columna basàltica Castellfollit de la Roca Pallí i Buxó, Lluís
out url icon Recercat Communication: An approximation to Bader’s topological atom Salvador Sedano, Pedro ; Ramos-Cordoba, Eloy
out url icon Recercat Communication: An approximation to Bader’s topological atom Salvador Sedano, Pedro ; Ramos-Cordoba, Eloy
out url icon Recercat 1 juny 2018 Communication: An approximation to Bader’s topological atom
out url icon Recercat 5 juny 2018 Communication: An approximation to Bader’s topological atom Salvador Sedano, Pedro ; Ramos-Cordoba, Eloy
doc icon DUGiDocs agost 2013 Communication: An approximation to Bader’s topological atom Salvador Sedano, Pedro ; Ramos Cordoba, Eloy
media icon DUGiMedia 21 novembre 2014 ¿Cómo hacer sonar el arte sonoro desde archivos documentales mudos? Molina, Miguel
out url icon Recercat Compact tension specimen for orthotropic materials Ortega Novillo, Adrián ; Maimí Vert, Pere ; González Juan, Emilio Vicente ; Ripoll Masferrer, Lluís
doc icon DUGiDocs agost 2014 Compact tension specimen for orthotropic materials Ortega Novillo, Adrián ; Maimí Vert, Pere ; González Juan, Emilio Vicente ; Ripoll Masferrer, Lluís
out url icon Recercat Comparative analysis of deformations and tension-stiffening in concrete beams reinforced with GFRP or steel bars and fibers Gribniak, Viktor ; Kaklauskas, Gintaris ; Torres Llinàs, Lluís ; Daniunas, Alfonsas ; Timinskas, Edgaras ; Gudonis, Eugenijus
doc icon DUGiDocs 2013 Comparative analysis of deformations and tension-stiffening in concrete beams reinforced with GFRP or steel bars and fibers Gribniak, Viktor ; Kaklauskas, Gintaris ; Torres Llinàs, Lluís ; Daniunas, Alfonsas ; Timinskas, Edgaras ; Gudonis, Eugenijus
media icon DUGiMedia 31 maig 2023 Comparison between the inter- and intra-laminar fatigue crack propagation as obtained from DCB and cross-ply specimens Carraro, Paolo Andrea
out url icon Recercat Comparison of the soundproofing characteristics of olive stone filled polypropylene, gypsum boards and wood fiber reinforced polypropylene Naghmouchi, Ilhem ; Espinach Orús, Xavier ; Del Rey, Romina ; Alba, Jesus ; Boufi, Sami ; Mutjé Pujol, Pere
out url icon Recercat Comparison of the soundproofing characteristics of olive stone filled polypropylene, gypsum boards and wood fiber reinforced polypropylene Naghmouchi, Ilhem ; Espinach Orús, Xavier ; Del Rey, Romina ; Alba, Jesus ; Boufi, Sami ; Mutjé Pujol, Pere
out url icon Recercat 1 juny 2018 Comparison of the soundproofing characteristics of olive stone filled polypropylene, gypsum boards and wood fiber reinforced polypropylene
out url icon Recercat 5 juny 2018 Comparison of the soundproofing characteristics of olive stone filled polypropylene, gypsum boards and wood fiber reinforced polypropylene Naghmouchi, Ilhem ; Espinach Orús, Xavier ; Del Rey, Romina ; Alba, Jesus ; Boufi, Sami ; Mutjé Pujol, Pere
doc icon DUGiDocs 2016 Comparison of the soundproofing characteristics of olive stone filled polypropylene, gypsum boards and wood fiber reinforced polypropylene Naghmouchi, Ilhem ; Espinach Orús, Xavier ; Del Rey, Romina ; Alba, Jesús ; Boufi, Sami ; Mutjé Pujol, Pere
out url icon Recercat 15 febrer 2020 Comparison of the thermal decomposition processes of several aminoalcohol-based ZnO inks with one containing ethanolamine Gómez Núñez, Alberto ; Roura Grabulosa, Pere ; López, Concepción ; Vilà, Anna
doc icon DUGiDocs 15 setembre 2016 Comparison of the thermal decomposition processes of several aminoalcohol-based ZnO inks with one containing ethanolamine Gómez Núñez, Alberto ; Roura Grabulosa, Pere ; López, Concepción ; Vilà, Anna
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